environmental theme treasure hunt

12 teams, many riddles to solve and trials to pass with only one purpose: work together to make the difference every day, both in school and in life. These were the main points of the environmental themed treasure hunt organized in the Santa Ninfa’s Community Garden.

we are plastic free

To celebrate the World Environmental Day in 2019 a particular treasure hunt was convened. On June the 4th more than 120 middle school’s students of the “Luigi Capuana” institute tested themselves with rebus and challengesabout the environmental safeguard. Through the defeat of the obstacles and the collection of cluesthey had the chance to create a puzzlethat contained some very emblematic words: “We are plastic free”.

The philosophy behind the event was to experiment up close a different dynamic. Not with the competition, but with cooperationand the cohesionof single parts we can hope to protectour most precious resource: our land.



Wonderful day